Receiving Promo Codes
When you create a new account at, you'll notice an optional field called "Enter Promo Code".
For starters, this is an optional field, you can simply leave it blank and continue the sign up process.
If you want to know more, well sometimes we offer special sales promotions at targeted events that allow new customers to save a few cents or more on their first order. If, in the rare event, you were provided a promo code by someone in our Sales department, simply enter it in this box.
You might be asking yourself, "If I call and ask for a promo code, would they give me one?". And while we'd love to say "yes", we are not authorized to pass out promo codes when someone calls. The promo code is to help us track the reach of special sales programs and certainly isn't designed to overwhelm our customer service team with people calling and asking for money.
We do believe that there is plenty of time and money to be saved when you start sending your mailing through our service, so don't sweat the promo code.
Additionally, we certainly would encourage your call if you are having trouble signing up or creating a mailing, as we'd love to help you be successful with your next mailing project.